Siberian region fights to preserve permafrost as planet warms[how to save the permafrost in Yakutia and problems with melting. Comments of a construction worker and environmental activist Eduard Romanov, a deputy director of the Permafrost Inrtitute Mikhail Grigoryev]
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Обложка электронного документа Siberian region fights to preserve permafrost as planet warms[how to save the permafrost in Yakutia and problems with melting. Comments of a construction worker and environmental activist Eduard Romanov, a deputy director of the Permafrost Inrtitute Mikhail Grigoryev]

Siberian region fights to preserve permafrost as planet warms[how to save the permafrost in Yakutia and problems with melting. Comments of a construction worker and environmental activist Eduard Romanov, a deputy director of the Permafrost Inrtitute Mikhail Grigoryev]

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Архивировано : [новостной сайт Таиланда] 21.03.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Siberian region fights to preserve permafrost as planet warms[how to save the permafrost in Yakutia and problems with melting. Comments of a construction worker and environmental activist Eduard Romanov, a deputy director of the Permafrost Inrtitute Mikhail Grigoryev] // : [новостной сайт Таиланда]. - 2018. - 5 декабря. Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 20.02.2023). - [16+]. -

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