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Severed head of large wolf found perfectly preserved in Siberian permafrost 40,000 years after it died: [with comments of the head of mammoth fauna studies at the Yakutia academy of sciences Dr Albert Protopopov] Still snarling after 40,000 years, a giant Pleistocene wolf discovered in Yakutia: [with comments of the head of the department for the study of mammoth fauna of the Yakutian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov, a professor of palaeontology and medicine with the Jikei University School of Medicine in Tokyo Naoki Suzuki] The hound from hell: Severed 16-inch head of a giant Ice Age wolf - nearly TWICE the size of its modern-day descendants - is found amazingly preserved in Siberian permafrost after 40,000 years: [with comments of the russian scientist Dr Albert Protopopov]
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Номера 2019 года:
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The 30000-year-old severed head of a wolf, with teeth and fur, has been found in Siberia. And it's gnarly Scientists dissect 3,500-year-old bear discovered in Siberian permafrost 40 000 year old wolf´s head found in Siberia: [about the remains wolf´s head found on the banks of Tirekhtyakh River (Yakutia). Comment of a director of the department at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha Albert Protopopov] Perfectly preserved head of Ice Age wolf found in Siberia Tiny creature comes back to life after 24,000 years in Siberian deep freeze: [the bdelloid rotifer, a multicellular organism found in the river Alazeya (Yakutia)] Tiny creature comes back to life after 24,000 years in Siberian deep freeze Tiny creature comes back to life after 24,000 years in Siberian deep freeze Go and get the wolves, officials tell hunters "State of emergency" over wolf attacks in Siberian region Первые ездовые собаки в Арктике появились 9,5 тыс. лет назад: [c комментариями старшего научного сотрудника Института истории материальной культуры Российской академии наук Владимира Питулько]