Tragic truth about two frozen 55,000 year old cave lion cubs is revealed by scientists: [with comments of the head of the mammoth fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov]
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Обложка электронного документа Tragic truth about two frozen 55,000 year old cave lion cubs is revealed by scientists: [with comments of the head of the mammoth fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov]

Tragic truth about two frozen 55,000 year old cave lion cubs is revealed by scientists: [with comments of the head of the mammoth fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov]

Liesowska Anna, Лесовска Анна
Архивировано : [новостной сайт] 06.06.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Liesowska, Anna.
Tragic truth about two frozen 55,000 year old cave lion cubs is revealed by scientists : [with comments of the head of the mammoth fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov] / Anna Liesowska ; photo Anastasiya Koryakina, The Siberian Times // : [новостной сайт]. - 2017. - 1 December. URL: [18+]. -

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